Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oh, hello. :: Ho, sal!

So this would be the obligatory introductory post. The two of us have come up with a number of ideas we'd like to pursue over the past year or so, but with constraints such as time, money, and much of the continental United States in the way many of these ideas never got past the concept stage. We're hoping to change that. We wanted a place to put all of these great ideas without tying ourselves too closely to one genre or another (because doing so might take the fun out of it). Now that we've begun with the creation of the blog, hopefully this little project of ours will grow.

Projects we are hoping to pursue:

-- Appropriate documentation of various food-related adventures, perhaps even some restaurant reviews, recipes, or other food-related tidbits
-- Links to cool things we've found -- think of it as a "best of Stumbleupon"
-- Information we find relevant or interesting -- perhaps you will even learn something!
-- Esperanto versions of popular internet culture, such as postsecret and fmylife
-- Short films a la' Wong Fu, only on different topics and on a much lower budget

So if we were forced to categorize our blog, we might say it's one part food, one part nerd, one part pictures we feel absolutely NEED to be shared with the internet, one part odds and ends, and (as always) a few parts Esperanto -- but only the good stuff, we promise!~

Things we WON'T do in our blog:
-- Recruit new Esperantists with quasi-militant enthusiasm
-- Unnecessary Surveys
-- Tell you to follow us on Twitter (neither of us Twits much).

We will be making every effort to keep our blog bilingual (and potentially multilingual, should the right mood and context strike) so as to accommodate all of our readers equally. We're hoping to expose people to cool new things across languages without forcing any particular language upon our readers. Hopefully, this will also stem the tide of "I couldn't understand some/part/any of it!" comments that the two of us often receive in response to our personal blog/facebook/etc. posts that have been written either partly or entirely in Esperanto or other languages.

Speaking of Esperanto, this would probably be an appropriate time to explain the name: zozafish. Coming at it from the English side, we wanted something simple and easy to remember. We chose zozafish, are working on a fish mascot named Zoza, and are hoping to have a picture of her up soon. Approaching the word in Esperanto, it is a pun that can be read as either zoza-fish' or zoz-afish'. Zoza-fish' works more or less the same as in English, (that is, it makes one think of a fish named Zoza), but zoz-afish' adds a second meaning. In Esperanto, afisho is the word for "post" (as in, "Wow, what a cool blog post!") which can be rendered poetically as afish' after dropping the terminal o, and zoz is an all-purpose nonsense word taken from an amusing Esperanto story by Louis Beaucaire. Put those together (as you're allowed to with almost any words in Esperanto) and you get zozafish. Clever, no?

Stay tuned!


Jen, nia unua afisho. Ni du havis kelkajn ideojn dum la pasinta jaro, sed ni ne suksesis fari ilin pro multaj kialoj, inkluzive de la manko de tempo kaj mono kaj la ekzistado de tuta lando inter ni. Ni nun volas shanghi tion kaj kreis chi tiun blogon por havi spacon kien ni povas enmeti tiajn projektojn. Espereble, nia blogo nun kreskighos post sia kreo.

Kelkaj projektoj kiujn ni esperas realigi:

-- Rakontoj, fotoj, receptoj, kaj aliaj aferoj kiuj rilatas al niaj manghajhaventuroj
-- Ligiloj al amuzaj kaj interesaj aferoj kiujn ni trovintas
-- Informoj kiuj interesas nin (kaj esperable ankau vin!)
-- Esperantaj versioj de populara retkulturo
-- Filmetoj pli malpli en la stilo de Wong Fu, sed pri malsamaj temoj kaj per malalta kosto

Do, nia blogo estas mikso de iom da manghajho, iom da nerdulo, iom da fotoj kiuj montrendas al la reto, iom da umajhoj, kaj iom da Esperanto -- sed nur la plej bonaj partoj, vere!

Kelkaj agoj kiujn ni NE faros en chi tiu blogo:

-- Zelota varbado por Esperanto
-- Sensencaj meminformaroj
-- Petoj ke vi sekvu nin per Twitter (ni ne ofte uzas ghin)

Ni penos fari chi tiun blogon dulingve (eble ech multlingve) por ke chiuj niaj legantoj povu kompreni chion. Ni vershajne devus ekspliki la nomon kiun ni elektis: zozafish'. Ni volis iun nomon kiu havas signifojn kaj en la angla kaj en Esperanto kaj kiu estas pli malpli facile memorebla. En Esperanto, la signifo estas pli malpli klara: zoz' (la chiusignifa vorto en la tre amuza rakonto de Louis Beaucaire, "Zozo, La Dek-Sepa Regulo de la Fundamento") + afisho = zozafish'. Sed en la angla fish signifas "fisho," kaj zoza povus esti nomo. Pro tio, ni havos domfishon nomitan Zoza. Espereble ni baldau havos bildon de Zoza la fisho. Lerte, chu ne?

Sekvu kun ni!

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